Niskala Studio

Galang Kangin


Putri (16) lives with her mother (42), who is blind. Putri is a third-grade junior high school student, and she sells beaded bracelets at one of the nearby tourist attractions every time she comes home from school.

On the other hand, Putri’s mother has trauma from the Bali bombing incident, which makes her always worried and afraid of crowds. One day, Putri invited her mother to visit Sanur Beach, not only to ask her mother to reminisce about her past but also to take toya segara (ocean ​​water) to sprinkle in the house’s yard.

The journey from home to Sanur Beach was made by taking public transportation, a bemo. However, when they arrived at the beach, they were expelled by a security guard because a hotel had privatized the beach.

Director Statement, Wayan Martino: 

Personally, I would like to express my concern about the landscape in Bali, which is changing so quickly that it doesn’t only affect the environment but also the people. I found tourism to be one of the economic support for some people, but on the other hand, tourism also brought new problems. One of them is the issue of land conversion which is so massive and fast that it has an impact on many things, for example, reduced productive land, the presence of land mafia due to the rampant construction of villas in rural areas, shrinking springs, damaged irrigation and the emergence of privatization in public places.

Through the role of Putri and her mother in the short film Galang Kangin (Staring at The Sunrise in The Shadows of Memories), I want to present the complexity of this issue from the perspective of a simple family living in a village, which is indirectly affected. Men Putri, who is blind with her imagination about an area in Denpasar which is still beautiful and then different from what Putri sees, looks in contrast, representing how Bali tries to be echoed and promoted steadily with its natural beauty but, on the other hand, it is gradually being exploited. It is essential for us to give space to the public regarding this issue through the medium of film to generate critical discussions about Bali, the land, and its people.

Ratna Yanti as Putri
Agung Ocha as Men Putri

Niskala Studio

Executive Producer
Indonesia Corruption watch

Producer : Medy Mahasena
Line Producer : Khaterina Dwikirana
Written and Directed : Wayan Martino
Production Design : Putu Deoris
Director of Photography : Rizky Gatan
Editor : Luthfi Muhammad, Wayan Martino
Sound Design & Music Composer : Nanda Mahesa
Art Director : Rio Kharisma
Field Sound Recordist : Prema Ananda

Ainun as Child in Bemo
Rindan as Mother in Bemo
Gede Arya as Security Hotel
Bimo Prasetyo as Galon Saller
First Assistant Director : Novia Puspita
Casting Director : Ayu
Script & Visual Contonity : Dhani Prasetyo
Visual Contonity & Clapper : Erlangga Aleq

Post Production Supervisor : Simon Widy
Colorist : Andika Arya
Digital Imaging Technician : Andika Arya
Graphic Designer : Putu Deoris
First Assistant Camera : Gus Adi
Second Assistant Camera : Sang De Agus
Location Manager :Christma Dewage
Location Unit Bimo Prasetyo
Unit Production Manager : Budi Antara
Unit Production Assistant : Gabriela Angelica
PA Accounting : Putu Yumi
Grip / Lighting : Ariyo Widodo, Kurniawan Adi Putra, Dwi Soekma
Boom Operator : Gede Nata Negara

Set / Prop Master Tarakanath : Yoga, Wayan Diana, Adi Jaya
Makeup Artist: Ika Indriani
Wardrobe: Kiki
Still Photography : Dodik Cahyendra
Behind The Scenes : Bagus Dharma, Beni Suryawan
Equipment Support
Asa Film, Sarang Lensa, Maher Film, Bali Shootings Solutions, Ruang Dama
Painting Artwork: Artha

Mulawali Institute, Disvuck Studios, Satu Frekuensi Films

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