Niskala Studio

Kerinci Coffee Expedition

My journey began with an introduction to an inspiring figure, Triyono, founder of Koerintji Barokah Bersama. He began with a wise quote, “If we want to walk fast, we are alone. But if we want to walk long and lastingly, we have to walk together.” I was inspired by this spirit of togetherness, which is […]

A Coffee Story from Manggarai

I arrived in Manggarai, Flores, with the aim of documenting the journey of the famous Arabica and Robusta coffee from this region. Manggarai has a long history in the coffee world, and I was excited to embark on this adventure. I met Yosep Janu, chairman of MPIG (Society for the Protection of Geographical Indications) Flores […]

Tracing the Footsteps of Sustainability in Cocoa Farming

My journey began from Bali, where I boarded a plane bound for Makassar, South Sulawesi. After landing at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, I continued my journey by road for a few hours to Polewali Mandar, a region in West Sulawesi famous for its cocoa plantations. On this trip, I was not only mesmerised by the breathtaking […]

Journey through Healthy Initiatives at SD Negeri 7 Dauh Puri

Journey through Healthy Initiatives at SD Negeri 7 Dauh Puri niskalateam June 17, 2024 EN ID Capturing inspiring stories is my passion as a videographer,  recently my team and I visited SD Negeri 7 Dauh Puri to document their healthy canteen cadres and garden cadre initiatives. These programmes engage students in activities that promote healthy […]

Tumpek Wariga Festival: A Journey Through Harmony with Nature

Tumpek Wariga Festival: A Journey Through Harmony with Nature We arrived in Jembrana early in the morning, eager to document the Tumpek Wariga Festival. This unique event, organized by the Pratisara Bumi Foundation, celebrates the deep connection between humans and nature, particularly plants and trees. Our goal as videographers was to capture not just the […]

Rumah Intaran & Pengalaman Rasa

Our videography crew recently embarked on an immersive journey to Rumah Intaran, located in the tranquil village of Singaraja, Bali. This destination is not just a home or a studio, but a living testament to traditional Balinese values, culinary arts, and architectural principles. Through interviews with Gede Kresna and Ayu Gayatri, we delved deep into […]

Galang Kangin

Putri (16) lives with her mother (42), who is blind. Putri is a third-grade junior high school student, and she sells beaded bracelets at one of the nearby tourist attractions every time she comes home from school. On the other hand, Putri’s mother has trauma from the Bali bombing incident, which makes her always worried […]

The Making of Suara Dunia

Behind the scenes from the Suara Dunia music video shoot with Niskala Studio. A storytelling of the creative process across islands, a remembrance of the gentle power of a mothers guidance, and the trust in community. Note from the director, Wayan Martino:  Melalui perjalanan anak dan ibunya dari bukit menuju laut, saya turut menuturkan ulang […]